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Nursing & Caring Direct Logo

Domiciliary Care Worker


Lisburn, Northern Ireland

7 days ago

21000 - 25240 GBP ANNUAL

Nursing & Caring Direct

Lisburn, United Kingdom

Unknown / Non-Applicable

Company - Public

Job Description


The role of a Domiciliary Care Worker is to work without direct supervision in the home of the service user providing care and support including personal, social and domestic support whilst adhering to the service user’s individual care and support plan.

The aim of the position is to enable service users to remain safely in their own home with as much independence as possible. Alongside providing care and support in a professional, discreet and caring manner, always ensuring the service user’s right to privacy and dignity is maintained.

Main Duties and Key Responsibilities

Involvement and information

  • To be aware of the Company, including the structure of the organisation.
  • To know how, and where to access Company policies and procedures and relevant documentation.
  • To ensure confidentiality is maintained at all times, in keeping with the data protection act (DPA) 1998 – ensuring that a service user’s personal details are not disclosed to any unauthorised person and all records are maintained within the DPA 1998 requirements.
  • To ensure that all service users understand the care and treatment choices that is available to them.
  • To know the arrangements in place for obtaining and acting in accordance with the consent of the service users.
  • To positively promote the service user’s right to choice and independence whilst ensuring that they are treated with the utmost respect, privacy and dignity at all times.
  • To be aware of local and national services and sources of support so that information can be provided to service users upon request.
  • To promote effective communication and relationships with service users and work colleagues and to be aware of communication differences and adopt an approach that minimises the effect of such differences.
  • To maintain records (e.g. home file records) ensuring these are wholly accurate, up-to-date and completed in a timely manner.
  • To attend any meetings in order to contribute to the effectiveness of support delivery.
  • To undertake any training required in order to perform the role more effectively, acknowledging any deficits in knowledge or practice, identifying training needs and formulating training plans with the direction of Managers.

Personalised Care, Treatment and Support

  • To assist service users with personal care needs, as detailed in their individual care plan, in an appropriate manner to help meet their desired outcomes.
  • To assist service users with mobility problems and other physical disabilities, including incontinence, using aids and personal equipment i.e. hoists, assistive technology etc. in line with their individual care plans.
  • To communicate effectively with service users, carers and other professionals.
  • To report any concerns to your line manager relating to significant change in the service user’s health and support needs.
  • To contribute to the service user review process, along with the service user’s key worker, line manager and all other involved parties, by using your knowledge of assisting the service user in meeting the desired outcomes.

Safeguarding and Safety

  • To understand the arrangements for ensuring that service users are safeguarded against the risk of harm or abuse.
  • Have ability to, in accordance with Company Policy, Vulnerable Adult and Protection of Children Legislation:
    • identify the potential for abuse
    • take appropriate preventive measures
    • respond to allegations of abuse
  • To report any untoward incidents or accidents to your line manager in accordance with Company policy and quality monitoring processes.
  • To identify risk of infection or contamination and alert concerns to your line manager for further assessment.
  • To assist with the general standards of hygiene and cleanliness in accordance with planned care and support.
  • To ensure that as far as reasonably practicable where equipment is provided as part of the care and support plan it is safe and fit for purpose.
  • To assist or administer the service user’s medication in line with Company Policy and Procedures.
  • To undertake the appropriate level of training and regular updates to stay abreast of best practice with regard to medication and mandatory training.
  • To adhere to actions identified in Risk Assessments, in accordance with both relevant Company Policies and Standard Legislative Health and Safety requirements.
  • To report any observed faults, defects or damage to the premises, fixtures and fittings or equipment to your line manager.
  • Ensure a safe environment for chosen activities.
  • Ensure there is a minimisation of risk to yourself and the service user during an emergency situation.
  • Ensure Accidents / Untoward Incidents or injuries are always reported to Line Manager and recorded in accordance with company Policies and Procedures and.

Suitability of Staffing

  • To inform your line manager if you experience difficulty getting to your scheduled visit at the agreed time.
  • To attend supervision, annual appraisals and team meetings with the Managers and use this to inform your Personal Development Plan.
  • To maintain awareness of best practice.

Quality and Management

  • To ensure the Company’s Complaints Policy and Procedures are followed when dealing with any concerns or complaints raised by service users or their carer’s.
  • To keep legible, accurate and detailed records in line with company policy and regulatory requirements.
  • To understand and comply with both Company and Legislative requirements regarding Confidentiality and Data Protection.
  • Attend staff meetings, as required, for the dissemination of information about the service, peer support and exchange of ideas.

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