The effects of poor drainage around your home.
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What is the meaning of grading and drainage?
Grading and drainage is the process of controlling stormwater runoff around a home by making sure that rainwater is channeled away from the house in order to prevent erosion, flooding, and foundation damage. This process typically involves grading or sloping the soil near your house properly so that water flows away from it, as well as installing drains, gutters, and other structures designed to divert water.
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What effect does having poor grading and drainage around your house have?
Yard drainage is an important factor to consider when it comes to maintaining the foundation of your home. Without proper drainage, water can accumulate around the foundation and cause significant damage. This can lead to cracks in the slab, which can be expensive to repair. Additionally, if water accumulates near the foundation, it can seep into the home and cause water damage, mold growth, or other structural issues.
In order to prevent these problems from occurring, it is essential that you know how to keep water away from your foundation. This may involve installing a drainage system such as French drains or catch basins that will direct water away from your home’s foundation. You may also need to grade your yard so that water flows away from your house instead of towards it. Taking these steps will help ensure that your home’s foundation remains strong and stable for years to come.
Soil expansion
Soil expansion is a serious side effect of improper yard drainage that can cause major damage to your home’s foundation. When the soil underneath your home’s foundation expands, it can cause cracks in the foundation and other structural damage. This type of soil expansion is perfectly normal and occurs seasonally, with warmer, wetter months causing the soil to expand and cooler, dryer months causing it to shrink. If poor drainage causes the soil to become too wet, it can expand beyond its typical size.
The best way to prevent soil expansion from damaging your home’s foundation is to ensure proper yard drainage. This means making sure that any excess water from rain or snowmelt is directed away from your house and not allowed to pool around its base. Additionally, you should check for any signs of water seepage or pooling near your home’s foundation and take steps to address them as soon as possible. With proper yard drainage in place, you can help protect your home from the damaging effects of soil expansion.
Indicators that your yard is not draining properly
Poor yard drainage can be a major problem for homeowners, leading to waterlogged soil, standing water, and even flooding. Knowing the signs of bad yard drainage is essential in order to identify and address the issue before it becomes a bigger problem. Here are the top 6 signs that indicate you have poor yard drainage:
- Standing Water: One of the most obvious signs of bad yard drainage is standing water in your lawn or garden. If you notice large puddles forming after a rainstorm or if your grass is constantly soggy, this could be an indication that your yard isn’t draining properly.
- Waterlogged Soil: Another sign of poor drainage is when your soil becomes overly saturated with water and won’t drain away quickly enough. This can lead to compacted soil which makes it difficult for roots to penetrate and absorb nutrients from the soil.
- Flooding: If you find that your lawn or garden floods easily during heavy rains, this could be another sign of bad yard drainage. Poorly draining yards can cause flooding due to excess runoff from higher elevations in your landscape or because there isn’t enough slope for the water to flow away from your property
- Another indicator of insufficient yard draining is the presence of dead plants or turf. Poorly drowned land generally impedes plant growth. If there are any wilted spots close to your house’s foundation, try to be extra mindful of them.
- The soil is eroding in areas.
- Gutters overflowing or leaking or downspouts discharging at foundation walls.
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Strategies to address issues with inadequate drainage near your house.
One of the most effective solutions for inadequate drainage near a residential property is to install a French drain. This method eliminates standing water, promotes proper filtration, and works as a long-term solution for many homeowners. A French drain consists of a perforated pipe surrounded by gravel or other drainage material. It runs underground to collect excess water and direct it away from the home. Landscaping features such as berms, swales, rain gutters, and rain gardens can also be used to address drainage issues near your house, as they provide an area where excess water can be collected effectively and naturally absorbed into the soil. Re-grading and insuring the yard has the proper slope to drain water away from the foundation and from the yard.
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